Monday, June 18, 2012

Belize: Some Basic Info

 All About Belize

Belize is 8,867 square miles (about the same size as Massachussetts)
            -borders Mexico and Guatemala
            - 17 degrees North

But it has relatively low population density

1997- 250,000 people compared to over 8 million in El Salvador slightly smaller than Belize.

2007-Population 314,000 individuals

            1/3 live in Belize City

Brief History
Europeans contacted Belize in 1502
            Columbus on his 4th voyage

The people living in Belize were descendents of the Mayans (more detail on them later) but the Mayan civilization in Belize had already collapsed before the arrival of Europeans.  Native population sizes were relatively small and they lived fairly simple lifestyles.

            Spanish sailors came by during the 16th century but were afraid of the reef so they didn’t land and set up permanent settlements on the mainland.

First permanent settlement of Europeans came in early 1600s
            English Puritans moved from Nicaragua to some of the islands.
            (the area had already been claimed for Spain, but these guys didn’t care)
            Spanish ran them off in about 1641

More and more English speaking settles came to the area in the next 150 years
            Hardwood logging
                        -logwood – used to make dyes
                        - mahogany- hard wood used for furniture
            Very few farmers
            English settlers came under attack from both the Spanish and the Mayans

When the Spanish had trouble ejecting the English speakers
-          1798 Battle of St George’s Caye
-          Few hundred settlers and one British Schooner fought off part of the Spanish Armada
-          Celegrate this as a National Holiday on September 10th
-          We’ll fly over St George’s Caye on our flight from Belize City to Ambergris

The settlers remained close to Great Britain
-Spain signed a treaty with Britain 1786

White settlers began importing slaves from Africa and other Caribbean countries

British influence in the region grew after Spain broke up its New World Empire
            Mexico and Guatemala became independent in 1821
            Both claimed ownership of Belize which pissed off the British.

In 1859 Britain signed a treaty with Guatemala
            Guatemala recognized Belize as British
            British promised to build a road from Guatemala to Belize City, but never did
                        Guatemala still pissed off until 1991
Mexico continued its claim
            Caste War of 1847 many Mayan refugees fled from Mexico to Belize
            Mexico decided not to chase them
            Mexico gave up claim to Belize in 1897

1847 Britain claimed Belize to be the Colony of British Honduras
            Started governing the colony in 1862
            Until 1880s governed by the same government as Jamaica

Land was concentrated to only a few owners so hard for new people to come in
                        Hard times

Very multicultural country
1900 population 37,000
            Things were rough the next 50 years

1950s Independence Movement
            1954 voting rights
            1961 Britain began the process of making Belize independent

            Economy diversified
                        Menonites homesteaded in the late 1950s
                                    Farming increased the food supply
                        Tourism began

1973 name changed to Belize
            Independence on September 21, 1981

Parliamentary Democracy
-          never had dictatorships or civil wars
-          93% literacy rate
Queen is the formal head of state (member of the British Commonwealth)
Gevernor General appointed by the Queen
Prime Minister is the head of the winning party

Had elections in February 2008
            United Democratic Party defeacted the People’s United Party
            Prime Minister – Dean Barrow

Capital located in Belmopan

Divided into 6 districts
Orange Walk
Stann Creek

Ambergris Caye is included in Belize district- they are interested in becoming their own district because they are responsible for so much of the income


Tropical climate- very hot and humid. 
            Rainy season-May to November
            Dry season- February to May

            Tend to get more rainfall in the south than they do in the north.


For Central America Belize is relatively prosperous
            Decent health services
            Improving sanitation
            Good public schools
            Not as much income disparity as in other places

            Still have 33% of people below poverty line

Belize still depends heavily on Foreign Aid
            US. Britain, EEC

Tourism is the major source of foreign income
            Exports of marine products
            Sugar cane

-          sugarcane
-          citrus
-          bananas
-          maize
-          pineapples
-          beans
-          papayas
-          cocoa
-          rice


Light manufacturing

Agriculture- 21%

Receive lots of money from Belizians that live in the US and Canada

Export Partners
China- 4%

Import Partners
US- 36%

Use the Belizian Dollar – always trades as 2 belizian dollars for 1 US dollar

Deomgraphic Profile- 1997

44%  Mestizo (Spanish and Native American)
30% Creole
11% Mayan
7% Garifuna
3% East Indian
3% Menonites (mostly white)
1% White
1% Asian and other

Becoming more Hispanic over time.


Introducing Belize-



Belize, Mother Nature's Best Kept Secret-

Belize History

A History of Belize: A Nation in the Making-

History of Belize-

Belize History-

History of Belize-

Ecoregions of Belize

Ecoregions of Belize-

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